1863T Italy BN 1 Lira

$35.28 for ACH payments
$34.92 for paper checks & crypto

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Please note this is exactly the coin you will receive.

The obverse of this coin shows the profile of King Vittorio Emanuele II. Meanwhile the reverse depicts the Savoia coat of arms.

  • 1863T Italy BN 1 Lira
  • 0.1235 troy oz silver
  • .8350 purity

Please follow the instructions below for using alternate payment methods. Instructions for mailing check payments will be sent via email, alongside an invoice


Payment Method

Discount How to Apply
Paper Check
3% Discount

Choose Check Payment

Email invoice will follow.


ACH / Echeck

1.5% Discount

Choose ACH Payment

Email invoice will follow

Cash at Collection 3% Discount

Choose Cash Payment

Email invoice will follow


3% Discount

Choose Coinbase at

